Windows 8 Review
Windows 8 Review | Tech Tips Podcast by PcCG
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Windows 8 Review
It’s almost here. In fact you may be reading this after it officially launches on October 26th. You may have heard some things already, or may be completely in the dark as to what’s going on with this new Operating System. Let’s start there.
Windows 8 is definitely the most radical change in the Windows operating system since Windows 95. For better or worse, that’s what it is.
The main, radical difference is the removal of the “start” menu, a tool which I and many users have come to love. This has been replaced by the Windows “Metro” interface. (Insert: Metro Picture).
Like it or not, there is good reason in Microsoft's attempt to push this interface. The goal is to create a uniform experience across both mobile and desktop devices. The idea is to have your tablet function in the same way as your cell phone, laptop or desktop.
This also means your standard PC will need to have a touch interface in order to fully utilize the new design. Many new computers will be coming out with touch-interfaces to accommodate Windows 8.
It may be a winning strategy, or it may blow up in their face.
Microsoft has thus far been practically absent in the mobile computing industry. All current devices run Android or iOS. There are no tablets running the Windows mobile operating system, and very few “windows 7” smart phones (not to be confused with Windows 7 computers).
On a personal note, I once owned a windows mobile phone but ditched it for a much better Android phone. Microsoft’s complete disinterest in supporting my phone or pushing the technology turned me off. I wasn’t the only one. This lack to support mobile technology has put Microsoft in a tough spot as so much of the future of computing is based in this arena. They have A LOT of catch up to do.
With Windows 8, I’d say it’s safe to say Microsoft is putting the chips on the table.
So it’s important to understand why these changes are there. We can’t praise or beat it up without first understanding the purpose behind the changes. It isn’t arbitrary.
Most importantly understand this: as human beings, we are resistant to change. We become comfortable with the way something works, and become agitated when it no longer functions the same way. However without change, we get no progress (which isn’t to say regression isn’t a possibility too!). For example the “ribbon” in Office 2007 and above was a change met with some major resistance and others strongly supporting it. In the end, it’s important to have an adjustment period before we can truly say it’s better or worse. So the “knee-jerk” reaction to Windows 8, may not be entirely justified. It may prove to be something that after 3-6 months of use, we decide we like better. As of right now, I’m not a fan of the new interface, but this same truth applies to me as well!