

PcComputerGuy can take care of all of your computer software needs. Need a new copy of Window or MS Office? Is your antivirus out-of-date? PcComputerGuy offers a variety of software and also offers software installation service.

We offer a variety of software including Windows 7, Microsoft Office, and Norton Antivirus. When considering purchasing new software, PcComptuerGuy urges customers to call for a consultation before spending money on a given program. Not all software is compatible with the hardware a customer may have in a computer. There are instances where an application will not function on a “compatible PC” due to the hardware installed on the PC. This is rare but does occur.
NOTE: For software to be installed or repaired: the customer must have copy of the program. The specialist will not supply “Bootleg” programs; However legitimate copies may be purchased from the specialist.
When experiencing a software or firmware issue, please have a detailed description of the problem: include the application's name, if an error appears-–the exact error message or if unavailable a detailed description of the problem, when the problem first occurred and any system changes (such as installation of new software, games, anti-virus etc) that may have occurred just prior to the issue being reported.

Need help learning how to use a piece of software? PcComputerGuy has working knowledge of an extremely broad variety of software. Call today to set up an educational appointment, conveniently taught in the comfort of your own home!