Windows 8 Review: Page 4 of 4
Windows 8 Review | Tech Tips Podcast by PcCG
In the end, most all of my issues (as well as the majority of other people out there) with windows 8 stems from Microsoft forcing desktop users to use the Metro interface, removing the start menu/button and neglecting us old but faithful Windows users.
If Microsoft simply put the start menu back, and allowed desktop users to NOT use the Metro interface, I would be a much happier camper. But as of right now, that’s not going to happen.
Perhaps Microsoft is right, and in time, I will see the wisdom in their methods. As I said initially, people are resistant to change. But logic tells me I won’t be any more of a fan in a year than I am now.
I understand the goal is to make things as similar as possible for the average user when going from a desktop to a tablet. It’s also a good marketing strategy if it convinces people to buy Microsoft mobile computing products such as tablets and phones because of the familiarity with the product (from the Desktop world). But I feel a bit hung out to dry.
I will be loading Windows 8 on my laptop only because as a computer person I must be knowledgeable on the topic. But my main desktop computer won’t be seeing Windows 8 any time soon, unless they cave to my requests.
I would recommend against Windows 8 for my customers. When you purchase a computer, you may not have a choice, or may have to pay extra for Windows 7. I would suggest even paying a little extra for Windows 7 at least for the first 6 months to year. Let someone else work out the bugs.
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