Godaddy UID Outlook Error
Godaddy UID Outlook Error | Tech Tips Article by PcCG
Within just a couple days I've had several clients that use Godaddy setup on IMAP with Outlook call about receiving UID error messages when attempting to delete, respond to, or move messages. So if you've found this page - you're not alone.
Unfortunately - getting Godaddy to respond to something, let-alone take responsibility for something not working properly can take an act of God.
I recommended these clients bail on Godaddy and switch to Bluehost, or another provider that offers similar (often better) pricing and superior service and technology. However one of the clients was willing to pay me to call Godaddy on behalf. The conversation went like this...
"Hi this is Godaddy how can I help?" - Godaddy
"Hi, my name is Nick an IT professional - I've had several clients call, all using Godaddy on IMAP mail having the same UID Outlook error message, so I think something might be up on your servers. This is happening on several clients using different versions of outlook, running different versions of windows on different domains." -- Nick
"Yes, I received a memo about this a week ago. You must remove and re-create the profile" - Godaddy
"I added a new profile and it had the same results" - Nick
"No, you must delete the old one..." - Godaddy
"Makes no sense, but fine...." - Nick.
I deleted the profile, recreated it, same issue.
"It's your outlook" - Godaddy.
"So multiple clients running different versions of outlook all broke at the same time is what you're telling me? I setup a test IMAP account that isn't Godaddy - and it works perfectly, but you still say it's outlook." - Nick
"I didn't say it's outlook, it's the way outlook interacts with our servers. We don't support 3rd party apps. Webmail works fine." - Godaddy
"Ok... you offer IMAP, but when IMAP is broken and all logic proves it's on your end, you simply blame outlook or the computer. You don't find it odd that you received this memo about this very error message and are suddenly experiencing a lot of calls? This would indicate it's an issue on Godaddy's end." - Nick
"I don't know what to tell you, it's your outlook" -- Godaddy.
I then advised my customer to do the same as I've advised others. Ditch Godaddy. It might be a pain to move, but once it's done - you'll be happier with your host.
So in short - if you're experiencing this issue, don't expect Godaddy to even offer to investigate and have some engineers dig into the issue. The issue around the time of this post (April 2016) is probably not because of your outlook. Recreating the profile will probably not fix it, and just create a headache in re-importing all of your contacts, calendar items etc. Just bail on Godaddy - like we did many years ago when they tried to say our site (this site!) was running slow because of the code in the website and not their servers. Alternatively, if you wait long enough, I'm sure they'll eventually figure it out and do something about it.
We also offer extremely fast web hosting (powered by SSD hard drives and Linux) and Email hosting. Contact us for details!