Covid-19 / Corona Virus - Onsite Work Halt
Due to the Covid-19 / Corona Virus Crisis our country is currently fighting through - we will be temporarily suspending on-site work.
We ARE NOT CLOSED; and we will continue to provide Remote Access work as well as continue to schedule appointments for customers who wish to drop off their computer equipment at one of our two locations.
We feel these steps are necessary to protect not only our staff but our customers as well. The nature of our on-site work, going from home to home interacting with many clients throughout the day, can easily create a situation where we pick-up, then pass along this virus. The result of that may be minor, but could also be deadly. We have many wonderful, long-time clients that we care about, and won't be subjecting them to such a situation.
As noted above, we will be ready to schedule remote access work when that is an option, as well as setup appointments to drop off equipment that needs to be worked on. We are here for you and will do everything we can to continue to support our past and future clients. Perhaps more than ever, right now people need their computers as they enable us to work from home, keep up on the latest news, stay in contact with friends and family and so much more.
It is important for us to come together and help each other the best we can; and we aim to do just that. We have put over 50 hours into a guide: Telecommuting: how to work from home during the Covid-19 outbreak. This guide is free of charge along with all of our tech-tips! Hopefully this pandemic will end sooner rather than later so we can all get back to our normal work and routines. In the meantime, we thank you for your understanding and look forward to helping you via remote access and drop-off appointments.
We hope you and your family stay safe and healthy.
Nick Ellis - PC Computer Guy